Geospatial - GISengineeringnrhav

AEC Tom ntej thiab SPAR 3D 2019 Conference Program tshaj tawm

100 tham txog kev sablaj tau tshaj tawm, nrog rau kev nthuav tawm tshiab ntawm National Geographic thiab IBM.

Peb Hlis 28, 2019 (Anaheim, California, USA) - Cov kws npaj tsa ntawm AEC Tom ntej Technology Expo + Sib tham y SPAR 3D Expo & Rooj Sab Laj, lub ntsiab sib koom ua ke cov txheej xwm teem rau technology rau lub ntiaj teb ua thiab kev lag luam hauv 3D, feem, tshaj tawm Tag Nrho qhov kev sib tham uas muaj xws li peb cov keynote ntxiv lus hnub no.

Hnub Wednesday, 22 hauv lub Tsib Hlis Ntuj, koom nrog MiMi Aung, los ntawm NASA JPL, Dr. Robert S. Sutor, Tus Lwm Thawj Coj ntawm IBM Q Strategy thiab Ecosystem, IBM nrog ib qho kev nthuav tawm lub npe Quantum Computing: Lub Saib Mus Rau Lub Ntiaj TebCov. Jon Snoddy ntawm Disney Imagineering rau hnub Thursday Lub Tsib Hlis 23rd yog kev sib tham nrog Fredrik Hiebert, tus tswv cuab ntawm National Geographic, thiab Kathryn Keane, tus thawj coj ntawm kev tshaj tawm pej xeem thiab tus thawj coj ntawm National Geographic Museum nrog lawv cov kev nthuav qhia npe Virtual 3D cov cuab yeej siv rau cov kev ua ub no immillive archaeological.

Linda McLaughlin, Tus Thawj Coj ntawm Lub Rooj Sib Tham Programs, Diversified Communications tau hais tias "Peb zoo siab tshaj tawm cov lus tshaj tawm tshiab rau Keynote. "Peb txhua tus xav paub txog cov kev hloov pauv uas quantum xam yuav coj thiab cov teeb meem nyuaj tam sim no uas tuaj yeem daws tau los ntawm Robert qhov kev nthuav qhia. Thiab kuv tab tom tos ntsoov rau Fredrik thiab Kathryn tshawb nrhiav qhov muaj peev xwm ntawm kev siv thev naus laus zis los qhia cov khoom muaj nqis archaeological thoob ntiaj teb. "

Lwm tsib tug sib txawv kev sib tham yuav koom nrog lwm tus los ntawm 100 cov thawj coj hauv kev siv cuab yeej tshiab. AEC Tom ntej thiab SPAR 3D sablaj cov kev sib tham nthuav tawm lawv cov kev kawm tshwj xeeb kev kawm tshwj xeeb, thiab koom ua ke kom tau txais cov kev pabcuam tswv yim. Lub sijhawm sib tham pib nrog cov khoom tsim tawm rau hnub Tuesday sawv ntxov 21 hauv lub Tsib Hlis thiab tseem yog peb hnub ntxiv. Qhov kev kawm tiav tuaj yeem pom ntawm no

"Peb zoo siab nrog AEC Cov txheej txheem Tom ntej - nws sawv cev rau ntau yam ntawm cov thev naus laus zis tshiab siv rau AEC kev lag luam. Txhua yam los ntawm AR / VR thiab blockchain mus rau kev hloov pauv ntawm 'ib txwm' tsim thiab kev coj ua yog nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem, "hais Bill Emison, Thawj Tswj Hwm, Kev Sib Tham Sib Tham. "Peb tau tsom mus rau muab cov dab neeg ua tiav rau cov neeg siv khoom nrog AEC cov thawj coj uas ua rau cov neeg tuaj koom nkag siab tias cov thev naus laus zis tshiab cuam tshuam li cas rau txhua qhov kev lag luam."

Hais txog SPAR 3D Conference program, Ms McLaughlin tau hais ntxiv tias "Kuv zoo siab tshwj xeeb txog Kev Sib Koom Tes Kev Xa Khoom (IPD) uas yog tshiab rau SPAR 3D xyoo no. Cov kev sib tham no tsom mus rau kev sib koom ua ke cov cuab yeej thiab kev ua haujlwm rau cov haujlwm tshwj xeeb xws li LAX, Caltrans, thiab Giant Mines. Cov neeg ua si loj nyob rau hauv cov khoom muaj nqis, los ntawm cov tswv cuab rau cov neeg cog lus, yuav piav qhia tag nrho cov haujlwm ua haujlwm los ntawm kev soj ntsuam raws li qhov xwm txheej mus rau kev ua thiab xa khoom, kho vajtse thiab software siv, kev sib koom ua ke ntawm cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv, cov ntaub ntawv hloov mus, tshiab AR / VR thiab holography tso saib cov thev naus laus zis, nrog rau cov txiaj ntsig ntxiv ntawm kev siv 3D thev naus laus zis. "

sau npe

Kev tso npe rau AEC Next Technology Expo + Sablaj thiab SPAR 3D Expo & Conference yog qhib tam sim no. Cov chaw tsim tsa pab neeg pom zoo rau AEC thiab 3D tech kws tshaj lij mus sau npe thaum ntxov kom tau txais tus nqi zoo tshaj plaws thiab zam kab ntawm thaj chaw. Cov neeg sau npe tuaj yeem sau npe rau hauv ib qho kev sib tham nrog mus koom cov lus tseem ceeb nrog rau lwm tus ntawm lub rooj sib tham xaiv txoj haujlwm, lossis lawv tuaj yeem xaiv sau npe rau All Access Pass kom nkag mus rau tag nrho cov rooj sib tham ntawm ob cov kev pab cuam. Rau npe mus ntsib

Txog AEC Tom ntej thiab SPAR 3D Co-Location

AEC Tom ntej Technology Expo + Lub Rooj Sib Tham yuav sib tham hauv qhov chaw thiab sij hawm nrog SPAR 3D Expo thiab sablaj 2019 rau xyoo ob. Ua ke, cov txheej xwm yuav pom cov thawj coj ntawm thoob ntiaj teb hauv ob txoj kev sib tham sib tham. Cov khoom pov thawj yuav muab tso ua ke rau hauv ib qho chaw siab nruab nrab rau cov neeg muag khoom, uas yuav tso cai rau tag nrho cov neeg tuaj koom nrog txhua tus neeg muag khoom. Cov koom txoos hauv network thiab ntau qhov chaw ua qauv qhia yuav muaj rau tag nrho cov tuaj kawm. Cov kws sau npe muaj kev xaiv ntawm AEC Tom ntej los yog SPAR 3D lub rooj sib tham los yog "All Access Pass" tuaj koom kev sablaj.

Txog AEC tom ntej Technology Expo + Sib tham

AEC Tom ntej Technology Expo + Lub Rooj Sab Laj yog lub lag luam tseem ceeb thiab kev sib tham rau North American cov chaw muag khoom uas tsom rua kev siv thiab kev koom ua ke ntawm cov cuab yeej tsim nyob thoob ntiaj teb uas duav tau tag nrho lub neej ntawm cov haujlwm. Cov neeg muab kev pabcuam tau kho vajtse, software thiab cov kev pabcuam, cov cuab yeej tawm tshiab thiab kev tsim kho / tsim ua haujlwm uas ua kom tiav cov kev kawm qhia ntawv. Tau txais xov xwm ntxiv

Txog SPAR 3D Expo & Rooj Sab Laj

SPAR 3D Expo & Conference yog qhov ua thoob ntiaj teb kev tshaj tawm rau kev coj mus muag ntawm 3D technologies tsom rau 3D tso siab, 3D ua thiab 3D pom cov cuab yeej. Los ntawm kev kuaj pom nrog drones, mobile platforms thiab cov cuab yeej hnav tuaj yeem siv cov augmented kev muaj tiag, virtual kev muaj tiag thiab sib xyaw cov khoom siv pom tseeb, txhua yam hauv 3D yog nyob ntawm no, nyob rau hauv kev ua lag luam nkaus xwb thiab tus muag khoom nruab nrab cov kev tshwm sim. Kawm ntxiv ntawm

Txog Kev Sib Txuas Diversified

Diversified Communications yog ib lub tuam txhab ua lag luam thoob ntiaj teb nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntawm tus neeg tuaj saib thiab cov rooj sablaj, cov zej zog hauv online thiab cov ntawv luam tawm thiab luam tawm. Raws li cov neeg muag khoom ntawm cov khoom lag luam, Cov Diversified Communications connects, educates and empowers businesses lag luam ntau tshaj 14 industries, nrog rau kev noj haus thiab haus, kev noj qab haus huv, ntuj thiab organic, kev lag luam kev lag luam thiab kev siv tshuab. Tsim los ntawm 1949 thiab headquartered hauv Portland, Maine, Tebchaws USA. UU., Nrog rau kev faib haujlwm thiab chaw ua haujlwm thoob plaws ntiaj teb, Diversified Communications tseem yog ib lub tuam txhab ntiav, thib peb, tsev neeg muaj tswv. Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus xyuas

Jason Lavigne, Kev Sib Txuas Diversified | 207-842-5494

Golgi Alvarez

Tus kws sau ntawv, kws tshawb fawb, tus kws tshaj lij hauv Kev Tswj Xyuas Cov Qauv. Nws tau koom nrog hauv kev xav thiab kev siv cov qauv xws li: National System of Property Administration SINAP hauv Honduras, Qauv ntawm Kev Tswj Xyuas Kev Sib Koom Tes Hauv Honduras, Kev Sib Koom Ua Qauv ntawm Cadastre Management - Registry hauv Nicaragua, Kev Tswj Xyuas Kev Tswj Xyuas Thaj Chaw SAT hauv Colombia . Editor ntawm Geofumadas kev paub blog txij li xyoo 2007 thiab tus tsim ntawm AulaAGEO Academy uas suav nrog ntau dua 100 cov kev kawm ntawm GIS - CAD - BIM - Digital Twins cov ncauj lus.

lwm yam khoom

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